Customized training courses


All customized training courses are carefully evaluated. As a result, depending on their nature, prices may vary.  

In general, your should anticipate the following costs: 

  • Preparing and developing the customized offer 
  • Course fee 
  • Placement test  
  • Teaching materials 
  • Transportation costs for the trainer, where applicable 

Methods of payment 

According to the terms of the contract.  

Cancellation and refund policy 

All deferrals and cancellations will be reviewed in accordance with the specific terms of the contract.  

Certificate of participation  

All participants will receive a certificate of assessment and participation once they have satisfied the training requirements. 

The certificate of assessment acknowledges the completion of the training course for which the continuing education units (CEUs) may be issued, where applicable.   

Non-Credit Language Courses are accredited by The Society for Continued Education and Training (SOFEDUC).  

Act to promote workforce skills development and recognition 

Non-Credit Language Courses are recognized by the Commission des partenaires du marché du travail. Funds invested in our training activities are eligible under the law commonly referred to as the Skills Act.